TARC e-Learning: Specification Writing

The specification is the foundation of a successful procurement for goods and services. In this webinar, Janet Hasty with Government Procurement Services will take you through best practices in specification writing. The information will get you on your way to writing high-quality specifications that achieve the required technical performance and best value for your regional […]

TARC e-Learning: Full-Scale Emergency Training Exercises

In this webinar, staff from the North Central Texas Council of Governments will provide an after action review of the Big X, a full-scale, multi-discipline, multi-jurisdiction emergency training exercise held in the NCTCOG region last year.  This discussion will provide an overview of the exercise, insight into lessons learned, best practices and other information beneficial […]

TARC e-Learning: Social Media Basics for Government Communicators

With all the social media options available to share what your organization is doing for those you serve, it can sometimes be overwhelming to know where to begin or how best to use social media to promote your organization. In this webinar, the Texas General Land Office’s social media strategist will present tips and tricks […]

TARC e-Learning: The Environmental and Historic Preservation Review Process

This presentation will go over FEMA’s environmental and historic preservation (EHP) review process, which applies to all of FEMA’s grant programs including Public Assistance grants following a disaster, Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants that promote resiliency, and preparedness grants under various programs such as the Homeland Security Grant Program and Port Security Grant Program.  The presentation […]

TARC e-Learning: Bicycle Tourism Trails Study

The TxDOT Public Transportation Division (TxDOT-PTN) Bicycle and Pedestrian Program and its consultant, CH2M, are working with their Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) to conduct a Bicycle Tourism Trails Study (BTTS). The goal of this study is to identify a proposed statewide network of bikeways. During this webinar, TxDOT and CH2M staff will provide regional councils an […]

TARC e-Learning: Emergency Preparedness on a Budget

In this webinar, the presenter will encourage participants to "think outside the box" when it comes to community preparedness education.  Participants will learn how to promote community preparedness on a budget. Best practices and resources on community preparedness education endeavors will be shared. Topics of discussion include: cost-effective ways to promote community preparedness resources for […]

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