TARC February 2024 Solid Waste Planners' Association Training & Meeting

Solid Waste Planners' Association

Thank you to all who were able to join us in Austin for the February 7, 2024 TARC Solid Waste Planners' Association Meeting & Training. Below is information and resources shared with attendees.

Information + Resources

Presentations from the meeting can be downloaded by clicking on the session title. TARC staff will be adding presentations as received from speakers. If the session you're looking for is not available, please reach out the a member of the TARC team.
Agenda »
Finance Management for State 9-1-1 Programs
Cybersecurity Capacity-Building for Local Governments
Guarding Against Fraud, Waste & Abuse in the Digital Era
Managing Records Effectively for Local Governments
What's New in HR Policy?
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