South East Texas Regional Planning Commission

State Planning Region

  • Executive Director
    Ms. Shanna Burke
    2210 Eastex Freeway Beaumont, TX 77703
    (409) 899-8444
    (409) 347-0138
  • TARC Board Member
    The Honorable Wayne McDaniel
    County Judge, Hardin County
    300 West Monroe Street, Kountze, TX 77625

Established: June 1970
Area: 3,359 sq. miles
Population: 390,786 (2017 est.)
Counties Served: Hardin, Jasper, Jefferson, Orange

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

The South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC) is a voluntary association of local governments that serves an area composed of Hardin,  Jasper, Jefferson, and Orange Counties.

The Planning Commission was established in June 1970 under the authority provided by the Texas Legislature in 1965. SETRPC is one of 24 Regional Planning Councils that serve all of Texas. Regional Council boundaries conform to the State Planning Region System whereby 24 areas or regions are delineated according to socio-economic and physical characteristics that set one area apart from another.

Each of these Regional Councils were founded for the purpose of solving area wide problems by promoting intergovernmental cooperation and coordination, conducting comprehensive regional planning, and providing a forum for the discussion and study of area issues. Membership in SETRPC is open to all general and special purpose local governmental bodies in the three-county region: counties, cities, school districts and other special purpose districts such as water and sewer districts, municipal utility districts and port and drainage districts. The Planning Commission is governed by an Executive Committee composed of elected officials from the various city councils, county commissioner's courts, and special district boards that form its membership. These member governments pay yearly dues to the Planning Commission based on their population. These local tax dollars are supplemented by State and Federal Grants to form the Commission's Budget.

Executive Committee Meeting Date:
Third Wednesday of each month.

The South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC) is a voluntary association of local governments that serves an area composed of Hardin,  Jasper, Jefferson, and Orange Counties.

The Planning Commission was established in June 1970 under the authority provided by the Texas Legislature in 1965. SETRPC is one of 24 Regional Planning Councils that serve all of Texas. Regional Council boundaries conform to the State Planning Region System whereby 24 areas or regions are delineated according to socio-economic and physical characteristics that set one area apart from another.

Each of these Regional Councils were founded for the purpose of solving area wide problems by promoting intergovernmental cooperation and coordination, conducting comprehensive regional planning, and providing a forum for the discussion and study of area issues. Membership in SETRPC is open to all general and special purpose local governmental bodies in the three-county region: counties, cities, school districts and other special purpose districts such as water and sewer districts, municipal utility districts and port and drainage districts. The Planning Commission is governed by an Executive Committee composed of elected officials from the various city councils, county commissioner's courts, and special district boards that form its membership. These member governments pay yearly dues to the Planning Commission based on their population. These local tax dollars are supplemented by State and Federal Grants to form the Commission's Budget.

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