Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission

Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission


  • Executive Director
    Virginia Belew
    PO Box 60660, Midland, TX 79711
    (432) 563-1061
  • TARC Board Member
    The Honorable Foy O'Brien
    Dawson County Judge
    PO Box 1268, Lamesa, TX 79331
    (806) 872-7544

Established: March 1971
Area: 23,483 sq. miles
Population: 476,140 (2017 est.)
Counties Served: Andrews, Borden, Crane, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward, Winkler

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission was founded for purposes of solving area-wide problems through promoting intergovernmental cooperation and coordination, conducting comprehensive regional planning, and providing a forum for the study and resolution of area-wide problems.

Through PBRPC, individual governments may combine their resources and talents to meet challenges beyond their individual capabilities. By fostering intergovern-mental cooperation and coordination and by carrying on regional planning, PBRPC both compliments and supplements government without infringing on local home rule

Board of Directors Meeting Date:
The second Wednesday of every month.

The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission was founded for purposes of solving area-wide problems through promoting intergovernmental cooperation and coordination, conducting comprehensive regional planning, and providing a forum for the study and resolution of area-wide problems.

Through PBRPC, individual governments may combine their resources and talents to meet challenges beyond their individual capabilities. By fostering intergovern-mental cooperation and coordination and by carrying on regional planning, PBRPC both compliments and supplements government without infringing on local home rule

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