Middle Rio Grande Development Council

Middle Rio Grande State Planning Region

Website: www.mrgdc.org

  • Executive Director
    Ms. Michelle Garcia
    307 W. Nopal, Carrizo Springs, TX 78834
    (830) 876-3533
    (830) 876-9415
  • TARC Board Member
    The Honorable William R. Mitchell
    County Judge, Uvalde County
    100 North Getty St, Courthouse Plaza, Box 3, Uvalde, Texas 78801
    (830) 278-3216

Established: March 1970
Area: 14,398 sq. miles
Population: 170,685 (2017 est.)
Counties Served: Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde, Zavala

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

The Middle Rio Grande Development Council, a subdivision of the State of Texas established under Chapter 391, Texas Local Government Code, has for over 45 years been the regional leader for community, workforce, and economic development.


To reach and maintain a standard of living and quality of life for every citizen in our region; a standard of living that exceeds the average for the rest of the State. In order to acheive that vision, the Council is attempting to develop one unified approach for creating a business environment that is entrepreneur and business friendly, by offering education and vocational training for both current and future workers, and business owners alike. An approach that encourages entrepreneurs to invest in, and outside businesses to relocate to our region; and that motivates workers to train, start careers, and become productive members of our communities. While we are doing this, we are also concerned with protecting and preserving our environment and our natural resources, which includes not only land, water and native wildlife, but also our cultural heritage, our willingness to work to acheive our vision, and our pool of well-trained, skilled, and willing workers.


As authorized under the Regional Planning Act of 1965, and Chapter 391, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, the Middle Rio Grande Development Council was established in 1970 to act as the Regional Planning Commission and Council of Governments for the Middle Rio Grande Planning Region. Subsequently, the Council was designated as an Economic Development District by the U.S. Department of Commerce, to serve as the primary economic planning entity for its jursidiction. In these capacities, the Council is composed of member municipal and county governments, independent school districts, and special purpose governmental districts. Its general mission is the planning and coordination of the region, the effectiveness of its public services, and the quality of life of its citizens. The specific terms of that mission, and the goals and objectives to be pursued are defined and determined by the action of the Council’s member governments, acting as a Council, and through the action of its Board of Directors. The Council is not in itself a government, nor does it seek to become one.


The Council shall have the following general purposes:

  • To eliminate duplication and to promote economy and efficiency in the coordinated development of the region
  • To undertake studies, collect data, and develop regional plans and programs pertaining to such subjects as land use, transportation, housing, economic development, natural resources development, community facilities and the general improvement of living and working environments
  • To engage in such other activities as the Council finds necessary or desirable to accelerate area development and correct regional problems
  • To provide technical assistance and service to local governments and other institutions, public and private, within the region, so as to facilitate economic, physical and/or social projects or programs that will enhance the quality of life and quantity and quality of economic opportunities for local residents
  • To assist, encourage and coordinate the activities of all parties concerned, both public and private, in implementing those plans and programs that affect the growth and development of the region

Board of Directors Meeting Date:
The Board of Directors meet on the fourth Wednesday of every other month

The Middle Rio Grande Development Council, a subdivision of the State of Texas established under Chapter 391, Texas Local Government Code, has for over 45 years been the regional leader for community, workforce, and economic development.


To reach and maintain a standard of living and quality of life for every citizen in our region; a standard of living that exceeds the average for the rest of the State. In order to acheive that vision, the Council is attempting to develop one unified approach for creating a business environment that is entrepreneur and business friendly, by offering education and vocational training for both current and future workers, and business owners alike. An approach that encourages entrepreneurs to invest in, and outside businesses to relocate to our region; and that motivates workers to train, start careers, and become productive members of our communities. While we are doing this, we are also concerned with protecting and preserving our environment and our natural resources, which includes not only land, water and native wildlife, but also our cultural heritage, our willingness to work to acheive our vision, and our pool of well-trained, skilled, and willing workers.


As authorized under the Regional Planning Act of 1965, and Chapter 391, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, the Middle Rio Grande Development Council was established in 1970 to act as the Regional Planning Commission and Council of Governments for the Middle Rio Grande Planning Region. Subsequently, the Council was designated as an Economic Development District by the U.S. Department of Commerce, to serve as the primary economic planning entity for its jursidiction. In these capacities, the Council is composed of member municipal and county governments, independent school districts, and special purpose governmental districts. Its general mission is the planning and coordination of the region, the effectiveness of its public services, and the quality of life of its citizens. The specific terms of that mission, and the goals and objectives to be pursued are defined and determined by the action of the Council’s member governments, acting as a Council, and through the action of its Board of Directors. The Council is not in itself a government, nor does it seek to become one.


The Council shall have the following general purposes:

  • To eliminate duplication and to promote economy and efficiency in the coordinated development of the region
  • To undertake studies, collect data, and develop regional plans and programs pertaining to such subjects as land use, transportation, housing, economic development, natural resources development, community facilities and the general improvement of living and working environments
  • To engage in such other activities as the Council finds necessary or desirable to accelerate area development and correct regional problems
  • To provide technical assistance and service to local governments and other institutions, public and private, within the region, so as to facilitate economic, physical and/or social projects or programs that will enhance the quality of life and quantity and quality of economic opportunities for local residents
  • To assist, encourage and coordinate the activities of all parties concerned, both public and private, in implementing those plans and programs that affect the growth and development of the region
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