Deep East Texas Council of Governments

Deep East Texas State Planning Region

  • Executive Director
    The Honorable Lonnie Hunt
    1405 Kurth Drive Lufkin, TX 75904-1929
    (936) 634-2247
  • TARC Board Member
    The Honorable Jeff Boyd
    County Judge, Sabine County
    100 W. Columbia Street San Augustine, TX 75972
    (936) 275-2762

Established: 1967
Area: 9413 sq. miles
Population: 387,061 (2017 est.)
Counties Served: Angelina, Houston, Nacogdoches, Newton, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, Tyler

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

The Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG) is a voluntary association of Counties, cities, independent school districts, river authorities, soil and water conservation districts, hospital districts and sustaining private industry members in a 12 county region of deep east Texas. The region covers an area of 9,790 square miles.

DETCOG envisions a Deep East Texas region where all people have the skills and opportunities they need to achieve their individual dreams; a Deep East Texas where people enjoy good health, are safe and secure from harm, and share a quality standard of living - a Deep East Texas where we and future generations can enjoy our bountiful natural resources. By combining the resources of our local governments, the Deep East Texas Council of Governments and Economic Development District provides a window of opportunity for helping its citizens improve their quality of life.

Executive Committee Meeting Date:
The Executive Committee meets upon call by the President, except when the full Governing Body meets on the fourth Thursday of each month.

The Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG) is a voluntary association of Counties, cities, independent school districts, river authorities, soil and water conservation districts, hospital districts and sustaining private industry members in a 12 county region of deep east Texas. The region covers an area of 9,790 square miles.

DETCOG envisions a Deep East Texas region where all people have the skills and opportunities they need to achieve their individual dreams; a Deep East Texas where people enjoy good health, are safe and secure from harm, and share a quality standard of living - a Deep East Texas where we and future generations can enjoy our bountiful natural resources. By combining the resources of our local governments, the Deep East Texas Council of Governments and Economic Development District provides a window of opportunity for helping its citizens improve their quality of life.

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