Coastal Bend Council of Governments

Coastal Bend State Planning Region

  • Executive Director
    Ms. Emily Martinez
    2910 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
    (361) 883-5743
  • TARC Board Member
    The Honorable Pete Trevino
    Jim Wells County Judge
    200 N Almond Street, Suite 101, Alice, TX 78332
    (361) 668-5706

Established: March 1966
Area: 11,823 sq. miles
Population: 595,484 (2017 est.)
Counties Served: Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

The Coastal Bend Council of Governments (CBCOG) is a volunteer association of local governments, cities and counties, and other public and private entities.

Formed in March 1966, by the authority of the State of Texas, the CBCOG provides a cost-effective way to plan, coordinate and implement regional projects and provide technical assistance within the region.

All authority to act resides in the full membership, which meets monthly on the last Friday of each month except for November and December, due to the holidays, which is a combined meeting on the second Friday of December, and the Executive Board meeting on even numbered months prior to the general meeting.

There are eleven member counties and thirty-two [32] member cities, all having maintained membership for many years.

The Advisory Committees represent a cross-section of the region and its varied interests.

The Advisory Committees hold hearings, compile and analyze information, review applications, and make recommendations to the CBCOG on matters of interest.

The CBCOG is a designated Area Agency on Aging and an Economic Development District.

The CBCOG is also a designated water quality management agency and additionally provides regional solid waste management planning, coordination, and implementation of projects.

The CBCOG also delivers Criminal Justice services, Emergency Communications (9-1-1) planning and implementation, and Department of Homeland Security services.

The General Membership meets every month on the fourth Friday, with no meeting at Thanksgiving, and a meeting on the second Friday in December. The Executive Board currently meets every other month.

The Coastal Bend Council of Governments (CBCOG) is a volunteer association of local governments, cities and counties, and other public and private entities.

Formed in March 1966, by the authority of the State of Texas, the CBCOG provides a cost-effective way to plan, coordinate and implement regional projects and provide technical assistance within the region.

All authority to act resides in the full membership, which meets monthly on the last Friday of each month except for November and December, due to the holidays, which is a combined meeting on the second Friday of December, and the Executive Board meeting on even numbered months prior to the general meeting.

There are eleven member counties and thirty-two [32] member cities, all having maintained membership for many years.

The Advisory Committees represent a cross-section of the region and its varied interests.

The Advisory Committees hold hearings, compile and analyze information, review applications, and make recommendations to the CBCOG on matters of interest.

The CBCOG is a designated Area Agency on Aging and an Economic Development District.

The CBCOG is also a designated water quality management agency and additionally provides regional solid waste management planning, coordination, and implementation of projects.

The CBCOG also delivers Criminal Justice services, Emergency Communications (9-1-1) planning and implementation, and Department of Homeland Security services.

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