Capital Area Council of Governments

Capital State Planning Region

  • Executive Director
    Mr. Chris Miller
    6800 Burleson Road, Building 310, Suite 165 Austin, TX 78744
    (512) 916-6018
    (512) 916-6001
  • TARC Board Member
    The Honorable Joe Don Dockery
    Burnet County Commissioner
    220 S. Pierce Street, Burnet, TX 78611
    (512) 715-2535

Established: June 1970
Area: 8,575 sq. miles
Population: 2,184,310 (2017 est.)
Counties Served: Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Travis, Williamson

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

From emergency communications to economic development, some things just make sense for collaboration at the regional level, and the Capital Area Council of Governments helps make that happen every day.

Formed in 1970 and one of 24 councils of governments in Texas, CAPCOG for more than 45 years has served as an advocate, planner and coordinator on important regional issues in the 10-county Austin metropolitan area.

With more than 90 member governments and organizations, including cities, counties, school and appraisal districts, utilities, chambers of commerce and more, CAPCOG has helped the region recognize opportunities for cooperation and eliminate unnecessary duplication in emergency communications, elderly assistance, law enforcement training, criminal justice planning, solid waste reduction, homeland security planning, infrastructure development, transportation planning and economic development.

Executive Committee Meeting Date:
The second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.

The Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area provides quality services to support and advocate for the health, safety and well-being of older adults in the 10-county region.

Serving the people of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Travis and Williamson counties in Texas since 1982, we strive to provide services that help meet your needs or the needs of someone you care for.

Trained staff will also provide contact information for referral agencies or outside service providers to further assist you. Our agency is staffed with bilingual (Spanish) personnel. We're ready to help.

Executive Committee Meeting Date:
The second Wednesday of each month. 10:00 a.m.