Brazos Valley Council of Governments

Brazos Valley State Planning Region


  • Executive Director
    Mr. Michael Parks
    Executive Director
    PO Drawer 4128, Bryan, TX 77805-4128
    (979) 595-2800
  • TARC Board Designee
    The Honorable Molly Hedrick
    Mayor, City of Franklin
    P.O. Box 1288, Franklin, TX 77856

Established: November 1966
Area: 5,110 sq. miles
Population: 352,125 (2017 est.)
Counties Served: Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson, Washington

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

The Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) is a multi-purpose voluntary organization of, by and for local governments. Originally designated as the federally recognized Brazos Valley Economic Development District in 1966, the council officially reorganized as the Brazos Valley Development Council in 1967 as the result of state legislation. The legislation created 24 statewide planning regions each comprised of a voluntary association of local governments. The regions’ boundaries were based upon a number of characteristics including geographic features, economic market areas, labor markets, commuting patterns, and even media coverage areas.

The BVCOG region consists of seven counties, including  BrazosBurlesonGrimesLeonMadisonRobertson, and Washington.

Click here for a detailed map of the Brazos Valley Region.

These regional planning organizations, defined by the Texas Legislature as “councils of governments,” are charged with addressing regional issues and opportunities and are reviewed biennially by the Governor of Texas. In 1997, the council’s Board of Director’s voted to change the organization’s name to the Brazos Valley Council of Governments in order to more appropriately emphasize the cooperative spirit of the local governments and to reflect the legislative terminology.

Board of Directors Meeting Date Meeting Date:
The meeting day for the Board of Directors is the second Wednesday of each month.

The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) has been in existence since 1974 and operates under the auspices of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments.

Funding is provided through the authority of the Older Americans Acts of 1965, State and local funds, and participant contributions.

Eligibility for services is 60 years of age or older. Participation in the Home Delivered Meals Program additionally requires clients to be homebound with no other means of obtaining a meal.

The mission of the Brazos Valley Area Agency on Aging (BVAAA) is to be a visible advocate and leader in the planning, development and implementation of a system of comprehensive and coordinated services, which promote dignity, independence and quality of life for seniors in their own communities here in the Brazos Valley Region.

Board of Directors Meeting Date Meeting Date:
The meeting day for the Board of Directors is the second Wednesday of each month.