Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission

Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission


  • Executive Director
    Virginia Belew
    PO Box 60660, Midland, TX 79711
    (432) 563-1061
  • TARC Board Member
    The Honorable Foy O'Brien
    Dawson County Judge
    PO Box 1268, Lamesa, TX 79331
    (806) 872-7544

Established: March 1971
Area: 23,483 sq. miles
Population: 476,140 (2017 est.)
Counties Served: Andrews, Borden, Crane, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Reeves, Terrell, Upton, Ward, Winkler

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

The Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission was founded for purposes of solving area-wide problems through promoting intergovernmental cooperation and coordination, conducting comprehensive regional planning, and providing a forum for the study and resolution of area-wide problems.

Through PBRPC, individual governments may combine their resources and talents to meet challenges beyond their individual capabilities. By fostering intergovern-mental cooperation and coordination and by carrying on regional planning, PBRPC both compliments and supplements government without infringing on local home rule

Board of Directors Meeting Date:
The second Wednesday of every month.

The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) of the Permian Basin directly provides the services described on this web site to people who are age 60 and older, their families, caregivers and others who help them such as friends and neighbors. Goods and services such as homemaker, transportation, congregate meals and home-delivered meals, are also purchased for eligible persons through vendors located in the Permian Basin. These services, as well as a variety of volunteer opportunities, are designed to promote the agency's mission to enable all older citizens to be able to live dignified, independent and productive lives.

Board of Directors Meeting Date:
The second Wednesday of every month.