Area Agency on Aging of East Texas

East Texas Council of Governments

  • AAA Director
    Colleen Halliburton
    1501 Pentecost Road, Kilgore, TX 75662
    903-218-6400 ext. 6518

Established: 1970
Area: 9,687 square miles
Population: 846,991 (2014 est.)
Counties Served: Anderson, Camp, Cherokee, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Marion, Panola, Rains, Rusk, Smith, Upshur, Van Zandt, Wood

To check for population statistic updates by region click here

The Area Agency on Aging of East Texas is designated by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services to coordinate services for persons in East Texas who are 60 or older, with particular attention to low-income minority older individuals, older individuals with limited English proficiency, and older individuals residing in rural areas.

As our population ages, it is important to provide support services which enable our seniors to live according to their choice, independently and with dignity. With a new face accompanying this changing population, we are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to keep up with the fast-paced baby boomers. We encourage and support volunteer and community groups to get involved.

  • Nutrition — Home-delivered meals, congregate meals, and nutritional counseling.
  • Senior Centers — Places to go for nutrition services, employment services, and health screening, as well as a venue for social interaction and recreation.
  • In-Home Assistance — Support for homebound elderly who want to be as independent as possible, including housekeeping, domestic chores, personal care, and visitation.
  • Care Coordination — Arrangement and coordination of services for older people in the most efficient, economical way.
  • Transportation — Rides to essential destinations such as nutrition sites, senior centers, doctors' appointments, and grocery shopping.
  • Information, Referral, and Assistance — Help getting information about federal, state, or local services.
  • Benefits Counseling/Legal Assistance — Help provided by trained benefits counselors on public and private benefits. Referrals to other sources of advice on legal matters.
  • Nursing Home Ombudsmen — Trained and certified volunteer advocates, supervised by professionals, who visit nursing facilities and work with the residents, families, and facility employees to achieve the best possible care and quality of life.
  • Volunteer Services/Opportunities

Board of Directors Meeting Date:
The ETCOG Board of Directors meet the third Thursday in March and September of each year.

The Area Agency on Aging of East Texas is designated by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services to coordinate services for persons in East Texas who are 60 or older, with particular attention to low-income minority older individuals, older individuals with limited English proficiency, and older individuals residing in rural areas.

As our population ages, it is important to provide support services which enable our seniors to live according to their choice, independently and with dignity. With a new face accompanying this changing population, we are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to keep up with the fast-paced baby boomers. We encourage and support volunteer and community groups to get involved.

  • Nutrition — Home-delivered meals, congregate meals, and nutritional counseling.
  • Senior Centers — Places to go for nutrition services, employment services, and health screening, as well as a venue for social interaction and recreation.
  • In-Home Assistance — Support for homebound elderly who want to be as independent as possible, including housekeeping, domestic chores, personal care, and visitation.
  • Care Coordination — Arrangement and coordination of services for older people in the most efficient, economical way.
  • Transportation — Rides to essential destinations such as nutrition sites, senior centers, doctors' appointments, and grocery shopping.
  • Information, Referral, and Assistance — Help getting information about federal, state, or local services.
  • Benefits Counseling/Legal Assistance — Help provided by trained benefits counselors on public and private benefits. Referrals to other sources of advice on legal matters.
  • Nursing Home Ombudsmen — Trained and certified volunteer advocates, supervised by professionals, who visit nursing facilities and work with the residents, families, and facility employees to achieve the best possible care and quality of life.
  • Volunteer Services/Opportunities
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