The Texas Association of Regional Councils is pleased to announce that it will hold Mapping the Future: A Virtual Roundtable on Innovations in GIS for Regional Councils.
Technology is constantly evolving, and GIS is no exception. Join us as we hear from state and regional leaders about innovations in geographic information systems (GIS) and discuss how existing resources can be used to enhance services for your organizations and the communities you serve.
Please join us from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, to hear updates from state partners followed by presentations from COGs that have been successful in leveraging GIS access and experience for the benefit of their communities. Specifically for regional council leadership and staff, this virtual event will conclude with an opportunity for participants to engage in a regional roundtable discussion.
We are thrilled to be joined by Gayla Mullins, Director, Geographic Information Services, Texas Geographical Information Office (TxGIO) to share how the state is using GIS to better understand Texas.
COGs confirmed to share their work include Brazos Valley Councils of Governments and North Central Texas Council of Governments.
We invite the TARC Board of Directors, Executive Directors’ Council and regional council staff to join us for this discussion on the possibilities of GIS programs and opportunities to provide regional support.
Questions? Reach out to TARC.