Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Longhorn |Hilton Austin Airport | Austin, TX
9:00 AM -- Welcome
9:05 AM -- Staff Association Meeting
9:30 AM -- Updates from the Economic Development Administration
10:00 AM -- 2025 Consolidated Plan and Community and Economic Development
11:00 AM -- Empowering Economic & Community Growth Through Energy Efficiency Programs
12:00 PM -- Lunch on Your Own
2:00 PM -- Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Local Government Capacity (Bergstrom AB)
Every day, regional councils and local governments spend time and energy digging for information to make decisions, serve constituents, and move projects forward. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and generative AI have become common phrases and are championed by some as a way to create efficiencies in the way we work. But what does AI mean, how does it work and how can local governments use the tools available to enhance capacity? Join us for a lively conversation from the professionals at Google to hear the impact this new technology can have on local government operations and learn how public sector leaders can chart their path forward with the appropriate frameworks, tools, and governance structures with a responsible approach to AI across your organization.
5:00 PM -- Adjourn